Monday, December 29, 2008

My Favorite Things

If you've ever watched the Oprah Winfrey show, you probably know that she has this special where she talks about all of her current favorite things shamelessly promoting expensive brands. In the end, everyone in the audience gets free stuff, and then everyone else watching is jealous. So, I've decided to follow suit and share some of my current (free) obsessions!

First, I've been reading this new blog called Smitten Kitchen. It's this lady who cooks really awesome dishes and takes amazing pictures of all the food. Then she posts the recipe with helpful tips. It's so great. I made this amazing cake for Dayne's Christmas present. So go there. And bake stuff!

Also, (now this is probably old news) but I watched P.S. I Love You for the first time the other day. It was so great! I cried a ton, but it was clever and original... not just a typical girly movie. So everyone go watch it, and if you've seen it before, go watch it again. I've already watched it twice.

Sorry guys that the previous two things are extremely feminine, so my other new favorite thing is Wii Golf. It's sort of an odd thing for me to enjoy so much, but I'm getting pretty competitive about it. I'm still not great, but its fun and I can't stop wanting to play!

Finally, the most favoritest new thing of all is Flight of the Conchords. You may have watched New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo in the past, but you need to become obsessed. January 18 is the premiere of the second season on HBO. It comes on every Sunday at 10 pm. Watch it. Live it.

So that pretty much sums up my obsessions of the moment. Feel free to leave comments about some of your current favorite things to share with us all!

1 comment:

meredith said...

First, I can't help but note that everything on your blog is in purple. Funny.

But, I am just loving your boots! Can it be a favorite if I don't own it?

I love vinegar and I love diet coke, and I LOVE moleskines.

Happy New Year! See you in 09!